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Our most important value is integrity. No matter who our direct client is, we are always aware that in the end, we are shepherding someone’s hard-earned resources. We strive to deserve their trust in our character and competence.
The means are as important as the ends.
There are some things we just won’t do. For example, Shepherd’s Hill will not recommend tobacco companies for its clients’ portfolios.
These are our central tenets
A Stanford University alumnus and former private equity professional with more than 15 years of experience in the capital markets, Rishi founded Shepherd’s Hill on the belief that the teachings of Graham, Buffett and Munger could be profitably applied in India.
No matter what money managers tell you, it all boils down to one number: the internal rate of return. Over the long term, this number, properly calculated and verified, will not lie.
It’s much easier to profitably invest smaller amounts of capital than larger ones, all other things being equal.
We are sticklers for this one. We do not charge a single rupee in fees that is not linked to our performance. This distinguishes us from most of our peers.
A disciplined approach is vital.
Investing is neither a science nor an art — it is a craft. Judgment calls must be made and risks must be taken. To be best positioned for the upside, it is important to have researched well.
Keep it simple, silly.
If there are a bunch of formulas and Greek letters involved, we stay away. Correlation coefficients and efficient frontiers are not for us, thank you.